Monday, July 13, 2009

Say What? A Poverty Museum???!

Prof Mohammed Yunus
Nelson Mandela and Graca Michele
*images via:

So this past Saturday on July 11th was the Annual nelson Mandela Lecture held at Johannesburg City Hall. This years speaker was Professor Mohammed Yunus from Bangladesh India. dot kno much about about but he sounds like a BOOS like dude so google him.

He was an amazing orator held the the audience capture through his entire lecture. And now to the subject of my Post. Prof Yunus is a philanthropist who started this bank in Bangladesh which gives loans mainly to women. He also helped found many companies to deal with the problems facing Bangladesh. So the giat of his lecture was this that South Africa should eradicate poverty in the next 20 yearsd and then create a poverty museum, Crazy right welll becuase no one in Sa will know what poverty looks like. Thats some pretty boss like ideas. Will try get the podcast of the lecture and post tall need to hear this guy speak. Anyway thought I'd share coz I thought it was really prolific stuff.
luv and light

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