Monday, July 13, 2009

new found gym fiend

I've been going to the gym religoulsly for the past few weeks and um well lets just in the dictionary next to the word unfir you'd most likely find a pic of hey but am a work in prgress right.

Anyways I completely and utterly hate the treadmill normally but yesterday I developed a new found appreciation for the damn thing. So its winter in the Southern Hemisphere so the gym is crazy empty...ha so thats a gud thing hate standing in ine to use the equipment.

Anyway heres what typical workout looks like for me

10 minutes treadmill
40 mintes spinning(ouch! my thighs and ass!!)
10 minutes rowing
30 minutes circuit (weights)
15 minutes stairmaster

Try to do a min of 2hours. Want to be ready when summer hits :)
So what are your guys workouts like?

luv and light


  1. You're a brave soul. Lemme tell you what my work out looks like...10 dance while i get dressed in the morning, what feels like a 40 min hassle-hussle...with my nappy hair and it's extra hard cuz it's winter,10 min stuggle to get my car to start and warm up,and a 20 min workout with the steering wheel. you see i don't have power streering...all body worked out :-)

  2. Well, I used to jog for about an half hour in the evening time. I know it might seem absurd, but i hate waking up early yu knw. But lately, i get late from my MBA classes so i have stopped working out. I have started developing a tummy, so might have to do something to reduce it, or perhaps the burden of my books will do the needful. :)
