Monday, July 6, 2009

Bothered and well just bothered!

Okay so as you might have gatered I am South African and proudly so. So there are just a few things which bother me about the way in which the rest of the world sees the continent and indovidual countries.

Its so weird how whnever someone is going to a coutry in Africa they're on some I'm going to Afrixa! Say whay? Africa is a continent with countries people like please with different contexts, cultures, languages in each country so be specific. Amd vbesides I ahve fundamentla problems with the way in which err country and their wants to 'help' Africa qwe should come up with new solutions. Okay am totally rambling on ma geek steez now but just had to get it off ma chest. Its callled Dead Aid, I forget the auhtor will do a post on it soon.

Love and Light

1 comment:

  1. Well i agree, to what you have written over here.. Probably, it might take some time for the people to come out of American hood. I wish we guys could meet some time. I really like the stuff that you write. Seems we have got lot of similarities.. Keep writing. I am loving it..
