Friday, May 8, 2009

SA ROcks:_)))))))))

I caught a glimpse of Generations last night…okay so maybe I actually watched but it reminded how much I luuuuuuuurve being called a South African. From the Xinglish( vartiaion of English and xhosa) my name used to be synonomous with as a child to the Mr President Gehlehlekisa being elected in Parliament on Wednesday. Man I love this placeJ))))))))))))))

Oh my wordedness!!!! I am absolutely loving Rihanna in those boots they’re too HOTT!! Anyone know who they’re by? I need to get maself a pair….*drool*:_)))))))))))))) Been dreaming about them since I saw this pic…*sigh*

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Am going through white phase thus am constantly searching for great images of white objects an scenery. This a dope watch by the Toywatch co. I really love their stuff think am gon go get one. At least I'll actually find it in SA and the prices are not that bad. I put up the pic of the new white Leica M8 its hots. Got an old school vintage thing going.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Election euphoria with a side order of Proposal/ Thesis blues

Am really trying to get into this whole posting regularly thing am gonna try be good with that.

We just had elections in SA still have my thumb ink mark and it was one of the most memorable and exciting experiences to date. I've never felt so connected and a part of 'democracy', it always felt so abstract to me the elections helped me see how it worked. I am missing the debates on Sunday nights though politicians are so entertaining and the crowds who booed and cheered added that extra touch of ...ah something.

On a more serious and one that stands to get in the way of any hope or aspirations of an academic or any other career for that matter is the startling realisation that I have yet to come up with a question for my thesis, have done no reading for my proposal, have not yet completed a first draft, have no idea what interests me am not likely to develop it in the next few days and its due i just two months...sigh. I am in super panic mode!!!

Am hoping a miralce happens and it gets done on time to top it off exams are around the corner and papers ared ue practically everyday...ah the life of a MA student.

I have decided to stay positive on a lighter note am addicted Kanye Wests hblog its on FIRE!! its fresh check it out.